“Love” — A mind-boggling concept.

Surbhi Narain Srivastava
5 min readJul 25, 2020

You must be wondering why did I call “Love” as a mind-boggling concept, right?

Because this is the most misunderstood and confusing word or rather an expression, we humans use. We are scared to tell people that we love them because there is a constant fear in our mind of losing them. On the other hand, we see young boys and girls using it for every person they meet without even realizing the depth of it.

What is Love? Well, it can have multiple definitions of it and every individual can have their own version. But, normally we humans bind this word between a man and woman who are in a romantic love situation but is that it?

No, I feel love is the purest form of feeling towards anyone who is special to us. Be it your parents, your kid, your partner, your friend, your pet, your coworker, or anyone for that matter. Then why do we hesitate to tell them how much they mean to us? Why don’t we tell them that You make my life beautiful? The only reason is that we don’t know how it is going to be perceived by the other person. But you know what !!!

“To love and to be loved is to feel Sunshine from both sides.”

So, let these special ones know about how we feel and make the bond even stronger.

Well, it’s easy to say that we should express our emotions and let the other person know but, it’s not that easy.

I myself find it difficult to express my feelings to my loved ones or even talk about my grief. It takes a lot of courage to open about how we feel for another, and it is not at all easy to do it always.

I always had been running away from affection all my life, Reason I don’t want to get attached to anyone emotionally but as I grew up I realized there is nothing more beautiful than having people around you who love you no matter what. My family always treated me like a small baby and still do. I love them more than anything else in this world because that’s an unconditional and purest feeling where one cannot live without others and I know that even If I am all alone in this world my family will never leave me and love me forever.

My besties are the craziest girls I know, they will beat the bush out of anyone if they see me sad and the feelings are mutual because we love each other. After all –

“No matter who broke your heart, or how long it takes to heal, you’ll never get through it without your friends.” — Sex and the City

With this, I would like to share a story. I met a colleague a few years ago, someone who I really loved being with and someone who made me learn so many things both professionally and personally. I was a young, carefree brat who was good at her work but a little crazy to fit into the corporate world. I had no idea when to speak or what to speak since I had always been outspoken. He was the one to deal with this crazy kid and turn it into a responsible and sober person. Every time, when I was disheartened, lost, or depressed, this man always motivated me and make me smile. Though we don’t talk every day or share each detail, he has always been there for me irrespective of the situation.

Whenever I was pushed away from something there was always one person who made sure I was always comforted and taken care of. I met with a terrible accident and broke some bones and permanently damaged my knee, I didn’t know what to do and lost confidence. It was so difficult to walk around and concentrate, but this friend of mine pulled me out of this dark phase with all the special care and encouragement. A man who always gives me a kick start and push forward. For me this is the purest form of Love, taking care of each other without any expectations or demands and always standing by each other. Everyone dreams high and he did too, to achieve more success in life he left our organization, I was shattered as now I have to deal with everything alone in this corporate world where we meet fewer good friends and but then I recalled one of my favorite quotes from Harry Potter.

“The ones who love us never really leave us; you can always find them in here (In our heart).”– Sirius Black

Well, This was about loving special people or friends but now let's talk about Self Love?

We are so busy in our lives that we don’t give enough time to ourselves, we forget that the most important and significant relationship is with oneself. We should look at the mirror every day and say it out loud — “You are Lovely, Keep smiling”.

“Self-love is not selfish; you cannot truly love another until you know how to love yourself.”

Why do we get hard on ourselves and hate ourselves when we make a mistake? Everyone makes a mistake and we all pay a price for it so why keep that grudge and give pain to ourselves. It's not worth it. Move on and always learn from your mistake but do not stop loving yourself. A friend of mine tended to blame herself for everything wrong that happens to her and her relationships, but soon she realized that it is not worth looking for happiness in others and since then she is the happiest of all I know.

“We just need to be kinder to ourselves. If we treated ourselves the way we treated our best friend, can you imagine how much better off we would be?” — Meghan Markle

That’s why we need to love ourselves and have special people in our lives. When you find them don’t let them go and make them realize how much they mean to you.

A warm caring hug full of love is enough to express our emotions. So, go give them a warm hug and say “I love you”

PS: Wait for this pandemic to get over before you hug them. Stay safe..!!



Surbhi Narain Srivastava

Be yourself, Because an original is worth more than a copy..!